Spiritual Clarity in Times of Uncertainty: Healing Guidance for 2025


Hello, dear reader!

Happy New Year. It's our first email exchange of 2025, and I'm grateful to be writing you about what we can expect personally (and, therefore, also collectively because…we're in it together 🫶) this year on the healing front.

(Reminder: Healing not fixing what is wrong with us. There's nothing to fix and there's nothing wrong with you. Healing is the process and experience of applying love, acceptance, and presence to the places within that are hurting or buying into lies, illusions, and delusions that are not reflective of who we truly are.)

My intention here is to offer a clear framework for us so that we can navigate this year with clarity around what to expect and resource ourselves as we see fit.

So, let's dive in…

Theme 1: A series of contractions and expansions in regards to a core wound or signature theme.

You may be invited into a series of contractions and expansions over the course of this year, specifically in regard to a core wound or signature theme you have struggled with over the course of your lifetime that you're ready to break free from.

In the contractions, you may be invited to feel it to heal it—to surrender to the release of emotions from your body as this wound heals and also face the ways you have allowed this wound to run your life. You are a spiritual warrior, and you can do this. You wouldn’t be experiencing this if you weren’t ready to clear it. We are here for and made for this deep work. 🖤

In the expansions, you may feel so wildly liberated and, as a result, come into deeper contact with who you are here to be as a soul essence in this lifetime. This can be the glorious outcome of letting go of the illusions and false gods you’ve worshipped due to societal conditioning.

The structures as we’ve known them are collapsing not only around us but within us too. This is a collective phase of deconstruction and death-and-rebirth. 2025 is about the “death” phase of death-and-rebirth, and it is central to us building strong sustainable Love-led inner foundations. We are being invited to be fiercely committed to co-creating communities and spaces that are truly rooted in love.

Theme 2: A shedding of the victim-savior complex.

We have been socialized to see ourselves as saviors to each other and victims of each other, which has kept us feeling separate, isolated, and lonely. When we are adopting these states of consciousness, we're disempowered and stuck in delusion and illusion; we're asleep to the potency of our true power and disconnected from who we truly are: generous, reciprocal co-creators with Spirit and each other.

The ways we've made gods of each other – seeing other people as our saviors and seeing ourselves as saviors to others – is crumbling.

The ways we've outsourced our power to societal narratives that tell us to make perceived authority figures, money, followers, influencers, celebrities, likes, a specific body type, and careers our gods…are crumbling.

We are seeing right through and coming out of the hypnotic trance of these systems that taught us to compete, conquer, and dominate. These systems are no longer holding the same power they once did.

The ways we've made ourselves victims of our experiences instead of seeing our incredible power as co-creators of our lives…is crumbling.

We are discovering who we are beyond the roles of victim and savior.

What does life look like when we stop identifying as victims and heroes / heroines in the story?

Who are we without these roles? Who are we beyond these roles?

These are deeper soul-led inquiries we are unearthing and being invited into…for our individual and collective liberation.

Over to you, dear reader: Does this resonate with you? If so, how? I would love to hear from you. Reach out to me and let me know here.

With care,

P.S. — Are you looking to work with a spiritual life coach who can help you heal core wounds, break free from stuck patterns, and reclaim your power? If so, you can check out my private coaching offering here.

Heather Waxman

Heather Waxman is a therapist, spiritual life coach, breathwork facilitator, and author of the Your True Nature Oracle deck. She delivers a truly holistic therapeutic experience by sharing spiritual, somatic, and relational practices to help clients achieve their personal goals and come home to their true nature.


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