Therapy with Heather

For residents of Connecticut

You’ve been feeling stuck for awhile now. You feel frustrated because you’ve got ample amounts of ambition and drive to “do the work,” but feel like you’re spinning your wheels in mud. You’ve been trying to solve this stuff on your own because you’re independent (sometimes, to a fault) and you know how to get shit done. You really like these qualities about yourself and they tend to work well for you—except when it comes to asking for help. Now, though, you’re no longer interested in shouldering everything solo and you’re ready to receive therapeutic support.

Nothing’s “wrong” with your life, per-se. Things are fine. But, you don’t want fine. You want….more. Part of you wonders if it’s selfish to want more. Part of you judges yourself for feeling restless and discontent with your life. All the while, there burns a steady flame of longing within you that knows something has to change—and you know that something is a someone, and that someone is you.

You’re smart, and you deeply value your unique form of intelligence, but you think way too freaking much about all. the. things.

Then, there’s the perfectionism: constantly trying to “get it right” while also feeling afraid of “getting it wrong.” Your standards for yourself are so sky-high that you can barely articulate them. You feel afraid of failing, so you end up procrastinating on getting started on the stuff that really matters to you. You want to trust yourself, believe in yourself, and feel confident in the decisions you make.

Relationships can feel challenging for you because you don’t want to burden other people with your problems but then end up feeling alone and longing for deeper, fulfilling, and reciprocal relationships. You struggle to say “no” and “I’m sorry” has become a phrase you repeat often…and it’s getting exhausting. You know you need to learn to set clear boundaries with people but feel stuck around how to go about doing that. You long for the day when you can give several less fucks about...well…everything. That feels like freedom to you.

Is this resonating  with you?

Click the “Book Discovery Call” button below to schedule a free consultation call with me. The intention of this call is for us to get to know each other, for you to get all of your questions answered, and for us to determine if we are the right fit for each other.

You’re seeking a holistic therapy experience—and that is exactly what I offer.

You don’t want to work with a traditional talk therapist. You're not here for fluffy small talk. You're a deep thinker and a deep feeler who's here for a deep evolution. Your connection with Spirit / Source / The Universe is important to you, and you want to work with a therapist who embraces your “woo” and weaves it into the work. You’re looking for a holistic therapist rooted in spirituality; someone who can teach you actual practices to help get out of your head and in touch with your true self.

…that’s where I come in. I am a marriage and family therapist, spiritual life coach, breathwork facilitator, and author of Your True Nature Oracle. I give my clients tools and practices to break free from old habits so that they can cultivate greater self-trust, confidence, and inner peace.

I work with individuals who are open, receptive, and ambitious, which allows me to clearly see the patterns and belief systems holding you back from evolving into the next level version of yourself. My training in spirituality, somatic healing, and family systems work allows me to support clients to holistically look at and heal those patterns in practical ways. You will leave therapy feeling less anxious, more confident & self-trusting, and more connected to yourself and the Universe.


  • In a nutshell, my aim is to support you to unlock your next level of mental, emotional, and spiritual freedom.

    I do this through a truly holistic approach, combining my personal practice and professional training in A Course in Miracles, spiritual psychology, breathwork, EFT tapping, Internal Family Systems, and Family Systems theory.

    I combine spiritual, somatic, and relational work in your treatment process for a truly holistic and dynamic therapeutic experience.

  • If you identify with all (or almost all) of the following, that is my area of speciality:

    You’re stuck, and you’ve outgrown one or several of the following:

    - Identities that are no longer “you”

    - A career or vocation you've been devoted to for years

    - Roles you've played in relationships that no longer serve you

    - Relationships with no room to grow

    - You’re in (or on the precipice of) a major life transition

    - You identify as a deep feeler and a deep thinker

    - You want to strengthen your relationship with yourself and with Spirit

    - You’re not here for surface-level healing. You’re here for a deep evolution.

    - You’re open-hearted, curious, creative, ambitious, loyal, and willing to commit to anything you put your heart and mind to

  • The cost of a 60 minute therapy session is $225 USD.

  • I do not take insurance. However, what I can do is email you a Superbill after each therapy session. You can personally submit this Superbill to your insurance company for potential partial reimbursement, depending on your insurance plan. To find out what your partial reimbursement will be and to find out where to send your Superbill, you can call the number on the back of your insurance card.

  • For the first therapy session, we will spend our time going over your Therapy Intake Inquiry. This is a detailed intake form I invite you to fill out after you book a discovery call and we both agree that we are the right fit for each other. This inquiry form is an incredible self-reflective exercise to help you clarify what your personal goals are for therapy. In the first session, we review the Intake Inquiry together and refine your personal goals for therapy so that you have a clear direction and strong foundation for your therapy journey.

  • For the first 1-3 sessions, we will do a thorough history and establish specific goals for your therapy.

    Within the next 3-4 sessions, we will develop a tool kit for dealing with the current stressors that brought you to therapy and will support you with achieving your personal goals. In the latter part of therapy, we will likely do deep-diving work to help heal the roots of issues and stressors that brought you to therapy. The order of this may shift and change depending on your unique needs.

  • We will meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis. I have found that clients who come on a regular basis for a set period of time reach their goals more quickly and achieve the most sustainable results from their therapeutic journey.

  • Therapy sessions last 60 minutes.

  • There are several factors to consider when it comes to the length of therapeutic treatment, including: your personal history, the number and extent of current stressors in your life, the number of normative and non-normative events that have occurred in your life, your commitment to practicing the soulwork (this is my replacement word for homework!) outside of sessions, and several other factors.

    The average length of therapeutic treatment can last anywhere from 3 - 12 months. If you have a long-standing and/or extensive history of trauma, you may find that a 1-2 year therapeutic journey is an ideal timeline for you.

  • I do not offer evening or weekend appointments. If this is something you need, I can send you a list of therapists I know personally who offer evening and/or weekend sessions.

  • I offer in person therapy sessions at my office in Norwalk, CT. My office is located at 162 East Ave, directly off Exit 16 on RT-95. I also offer telehealth appointments.

  • Yes, I offer online therapy. If you have further questions about virtual therapy, we can discuss them on your free 20-minute discovery call.

  • Yes, almost always (but don’t worry, this is homework you will really love!). I call therapeutic homework “soulwork” because, to me, it more accurately describes the kind of practices I give to clients to do outside of session.

    ...although, if you are reading this section and are a potential client, you are very likely eager to know what your first piece of soulwork is! ;)

  • Many clients report feeling in their power, less anxious, more regulated in their nervous systems, more confident in themselves, less reactive in their relationships, and a general felt sense of inner peace and freedom.

  • Typically, clients begin to feel and/or see tangible results in their life within the first three sessions.

    Additionally, I am consistently checking in with clients to ensure they are satisfied and happy with their therapeutic experience.

    If at any point it doesn’t feel like a good fit or you’re just not seeing results, I have a list of incredible therapists who I know personally and can refer you to.

  • I have a firm 24-hour cancellation policy. You can cancel your therapy appointment by notifying me via email at least 24 hours in advance.

    If you notify me with less than 24 hours notice, you will be charged the full fee for the session. I offer online therapy if you are unable to come to our session in person.

    I also understand that circumstances happen in our lives that are far beyond our control. If there is an extenuating circumstance such as a last-minute family emergency or a last-minute illness, an exception to the 24-hour cancellation policy may be made.

  • Click this link and schedule a free 20-minute discovery call with me.

    This is a pressure-free space for:

    - Both of us to get to know each other and experience each other's energies so that we can determine if we are the right fit for each other

    - You to share with me why you feel working together would be of-service to you at this point along your soul's journey

    - You to complete a detailed intake inquiry (which we will review together during the discovery call) to see if what you are looking for is aligned with what I can provide

    - You to ask any and all questions you have about working together so that you can feel confident in the decision you choose to make.

Therapy FAQs

Interested in Working Together?

Awesome! I’m looking forward to meeting you.
Your next step? Book a discovery call right here: