How to Protect Your Energy as an Empath


Photo Credit: Ahmed via Unsplash

Hello, beautiful soul.

Do you identify as an empath or highly sensitive person who wants to learn how to effectively protect their energy? If so, you’ve arrived at a blog post that could be helpful to you.

As we progress along our soul’s journeys as empaths, we can have the experience of becoming more psychically attuned to people, experiences, and our environments. As we heal our own wounds and learn our soul lessons in this lifetime, we clear heavy and dense energies from our energy fields, allowing us to feel “lighter” and more psychically open. This is a wonderful thing! There is nothing to fear about it — it’s simply about learning to take good care of our energetic constitution.

What Empaths’ Energy Fields Can Look Like
When it comes to protecting our energy as empaths, here is what I have learned from personal experience: We don’t need as much protection when we are regularly grounding and clearing our energy.

As I learned from Lisa Campion (see bottom of this blog post), empaths’ energy fields look like sponges or coral, meaning they have these porous-like holes in them. This is what distinguishes highly sensitive people’s energy fields from that of people who are not highly sensitive. The porous nature of our energy fields requires us to take care of them in a particular way so that we can feel as grounded, clear, and connected as possible.

Multitasking Can Leak Your Energy
Our society moves at a very rapid pace and we are often encouraged to multitask. What I have noticed is that, as an empath, when I attempt to do two or more tasks at once, it massively drains my energy. It can feel like too much energy for me to take in at once — almost kind of like over-eating energetic food.

As I learned from Lisa Campion, our psychic abilities truly need space in order to develop. I recommend making it a devotional practice to commit to focusing on and completing one task at a time for one week and notice how much more clear and grounded you feel energetically. You may also notice yourself naturally feeling more connected to your psychic abilities as a result.

9 Energetic Grounding, Clearing, and Protection Practices
Below, I list three simple ways you can protect, clear, and ground your energy. These are all tasks that you can do each day. In general, the more grounded you are and the more clean your energy field is, the more sturdy and strong your energy field will be and the less energetic protection you will require. This is a mini list of practices to get you going that work really well for me. As always, take what resonates and leave the rest!

3 Ways to Ground Your Energy

  • Eat enough protein

  • Ensure your meals are balanced in their protein-carbohydrate-fat ratio (include root vegetables like sweet potatoes, carrots, squash, regular potatoes, parsnips, and/or beets several times per week)

  • Take 2 - 3 walk breaks outside every day (without your phone)

3 Ways to Clear Your Energy

3 Ways to Protect Your Energy

  • Commit to doing one task at a time (this keeps your energy field clean and is a boundary-setting tool, which protects your energy field)

  • Turn off all notifications on your phone, place your phone on do not disturb, and leave your phone in another room while you’re eating or socializing with people

  • Work with a trained therapist or coach like myself on how to set clear boundaries interpersonally in your relationships

An Energy Hygiene Meditation for Empaths
This is an 11-minute guided meditation for empaths that I made for you. If you feel that your energy field is “weak” or if you are brand new to committing to energetic grounding, clearing, and protection practices, I recommend practicing this meditation daily. It will help you to strengthen your energy field and it will help you begin to naturally attune to your psychic abilities. Once you experience how clean and grounded you can feel, it’s similar to when you start eating clean consistently — you feel so good, you just never go back!

A Resource and Teacher on Psychic Protection Who I Trust
Before I close out this blog post, I’d like to name a teacher who has been incredibly helpful to me on my journey of clearing, grounding, and protecting my energy: Lisa Campion. Her course, Awakening Your Psychic Abilities, inspired this blog post and some of what I share in this blog post I have learned from her. If you are early on in connecting with your own intuition and psychic abilities or looking for a foundational course on the topic, I highly recommend this course and any of her offerings.

I hope this is blog post has been helpful, clarifying, and practically applicable for you so that you can live your life as an empath and highly sensitive person feeling more grounded, clear, and energetically protected.

With care,

P.S. — Did you find this blog post helpful? If so, I’d love to hear from you! Drop me a line here.

P.P.S. — If you loved this blog post, you might also love the one I wrote last week: 7 Steps to Stop Doomscrolling and Live Your Life with Purpose.

Heather Waxman

Heather Waxman is a therapist, spiritual life coach, breathwork facilitator, and author of the Your True Nature Oracle deck. She delivers a truly holistic therapeutic experience by sharing spiritual, somatic, and relational practices to help clients achieve their personal goals and come home to their true nature.


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